Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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September 29, 2024
Mr. Bear!!!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

For those who signed up for Spice Market at any time, YES—you are in. I'll be sending out an email tomorrow. I'm so sorry about that! I'm excited because I found my main fabric yesterday, and it's bright! I don't know if there are pink spices in the world, but I'm sure there are. Now, to find the fillers, which I'm sure I can find in the stash. 

As I sit here and write this morning, I have company. Well, not exactly company, but a companion. Yep -- Mr. Bear is sleeping under ...

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April 21, 2024
Monster mash from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Someone mentioned that the navigation system works well because it uses Android Car Play. YES --- that is exactly the reason. My other car was a 2019 model, and it only had Apple Car Play, which was useless to me. The system that Toyota devised for navigation was also useless, and in five years, I think I was able to connect it twice. 

The whole process now is seamless. And we have two drivers—who knows what DH does when he's in the car! I do have to touch a few buttons after he's been driving by himself, but ...

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April 20, 2024
A road trip from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm going back to QUILTsocial for a minute. In addition to searching for articles about the machine, the links at the top provide free projects, tutorials, etc. 

However, you can also search. The search button is on the extreme right at the top, and you can type in topics. Let's say you want to know about blog posts I've written on piping. Search for piping and add my name, Elaine Theriault, and posts will come up! 

The amount of information in those posts will blow you away. I would love to have a website that cross-references my ...

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April 17, 2024
Is it your grandmother's quilt? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I can sometimes be my own worst enemy. My alarm went off this morning, and I felt tired, but I jumped out of bed. I came downstairs and sat at the computer to write the blog. Good grief—2:00!!! Oh shoot—when we were in Hawaii, I had to set an alarm for 2 AM so we could get up in time to see the sunrise on Haleakala! 

How many weeks ago was that? And the alarm was still on my phone for Wednesday morning? Let's say the alarm is gone now! And I went back to bed ...

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May 12, 2023
You get what you pay for! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I got a chuckle when I went to pick up my new glasses earlier this week. Remember, I went to Lenscrafters but didn't want to pay much money, so I opted for one of their "packages" that was locked in a drawer. The frames are very nice, and I liked them instantly when I put them on. 

The lady handed them to me, and I tried them on. Yes, they are awesome, but they seemed slightly crooked, so I asked if she could fix them. She did it, but she didn't look at me with the glasses on ...

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March 31, 2023
Be flexible!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It's my final morning in Montreal - at least for this trip, and I have to say that I'm looking forward to going home! I love going away, but the day I go home is always the best! I have two lectures to present today and then an evening flight. 

I see I got an e-mail regarding the weather and my flight. Snow flurries later today, but hopefully, all will be fine, as I would very much like to get home tonight, as I have a full day planned for tomorrow. If I don't, well, I'll figure ...

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